Monday, September 15, 2008

How I got a kid...

I have many people ask me how Christian came to be such a big part of my life and so I thought I'd just share part of the story.
When my sister was pregnant she was pretty sure she wasn't in a position to be able to raise a baby. Her and my parents asked me if I'd like to raise him. I wasn't sure it was something I could handle. I said no at the time, but that I would be a very involved auntie. So, for the next year and a half, that's what I did. I lived with a friend of mine and just lived my life. Christian spent a lot of time with me, several days a week and usually two weekends a month. I loved it.
I got to a place in my life where I didn't have a job, I didn't know what was going to happen. I know now that it was God getting me to move back in with my family and take much more of a part in Christian's life. I also got a job, that I still have after I moved back in. I love being a bigger part of Christian's life now, but it was definately a transition. I had to take time to get to the place where I didn't just consider myself his Aunt, but moved up to a mother figure. He still calls me Tia, for auntie but sometimes calls me mom too. If he ever got to the place where he wanted to just call me one or the other that would be fine with me.
Another part of my journey was dealing with the negativity from others. Right from the time Jessica got pregnant people have been rude and condescending. It's hard for me sometimes to ignore the gossip and bad stuff that goes around about people I love. I think I may have been hurt more by it than she was!
I love that my family let me take this role in his life. I love getting him on the bus in the morning, shopping for clothes for him, caring for his needs, and all the little day to day stuff. I will never take for granted this gift that God gave me. I dont' care anymore if everyone understands. He is my child, I love him just like any parent loves their child. I'd like to say I love him more, but I'm sure every parent feels that way.
Anyways, that's it in a nutshell. There is obviously more details, but that's all I think most people need to know. Just that I love him, he's mine, and that's how I hope it always stays.


C said...

Thanks for sharing this. I remember when Jessica was pregnant and Christian was born, and I'm so sorry there were negative comments and feelings towards her at that time. That obviously should not happen.
I'm so glad Christian has you in his life. You're doing a great job!:)
~ Cara

Unknown said...


livin4him said...

Its awesome!!! I think that everything in life happens for a purpose and that God puts people where they need to be when they need to be there!!! Really You are great Mother and Christian is so Lucky to have you... your family is and your friends and I am so thankfull that god has put you in my life!!!